How to be a Registered Member

To be a member kindly pay through the required amount. Website login credentials will be auto-generated after a successful payment and will be emailed to you using the billing info in checkout.

Accredited Enterprise Membership

These members have met the strict AIOBP standard of excellence for Accredited Training or Coaching programs. They are accredited by AIOBP to qualify, certify, and credential trainers or coaches in their accredited training or coaching processes, curriculum, methodologies or disciplines.


Certified Professional Membership

This membership is for Consultants, Practitioners, Trainers and Coaches who are certified or credentialed by an AIOBP Accredited Enterprise or an AIOBP recognized organization.


Professional Membership

These Members are Trainers and Coaches who are not credentialed by AIOBP Accredited Enterprises or AIOBP recognized organization, but may be enrolled in a Certification Course.


Student Membership

This membership is if you are considering a people development related career and wish to open doors to opportunities in training, coaching, consulting and the development of psychology based programs or methodologies.


Associate Membership

This membership is designed for providers catering to the AIOBP’s audience that wish to reach accredited training and coaching organizations, trainers and coaches, and the community.


Chartered Membership

Chartered Members of AIOBP have met the highest standards in the business psychology industry in the development, application and results of a curriculum or methodology that makes a difference.


Enterprise Membership

These are organizations or institutions with an interest in the advancement of effective and purpose filled workplaces.


Psychometric Test Validation

These members have met the strict AIOBP standard of excellence for Accredited Training or Coaching programs. They are accredited by AIOBP to qualify, certify, and credential trainers or coaches in their accredited training or coaching processes, curriculum, methodologies or disciplines.
